Day 10 - Heading Home
It’s Saturday and SLIG is officially done. We received our completion certificates yesterday in class and then attended the banquet last night. Guess who won the photo contest? ME! Well, Dave won the photo contest but he got me early registration for next year. And the list of courses for 2019 is amazing! There is more than one class on this schedule that I like. Advanced Genealogical Methods class with Tom Jones? Or New England to MidWest, 1780-1840 with Josh Taylor? Not to mention a course on Burn counties, another on Researching New York, and a whole list of GREAT courses. Decisions, decisions! At least I have until June to make up my mind before registration.
I can’t believe how quickly my time in Salt Lake City flew by and how much I’ve learned. I got to meet some amazing people that I’ve known through on-line classes in Boston University and ProGen and it was great to interact with them in person. We all share this love of genealogy. #Mypeople We got to talk about this thing we love and obsess over and we didn’t get bored at all! I have a long day of travel and a lengthy layover. But I’m looking forward to finishing my book on Morton Farrier, Forensic Genealogist and reading one of the multiple genealogy books that I bought at SLIG. The amazing thing is that I’m not at ALL genealogy’d out! If anything, this gets me even more motivated to do MORE research. I’ve learned a lot of wonderful tools that I will be applying in my upcoming ProGen assignments. I’m glad that I have a day to rest tomorrow. Thank you for following my SLIG journey.
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