Nathaniel Freeman Signature |

One source for genealogy that is often overlooked is eBay. That’s right, eBay. You can find AMAZING things on there. I have searches saved for some of my ancestors and when items that fit that criteria go on it will alert me. Just before Christmas last year I had one of those alerts for Nathaniel Freeman pop up. Nathaniel Freeman is my 5
th great grandfather. He’s also my proven Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) patriot.
He was a doctor, a lawyer and one of the first members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1775. He was almost murdered by some Torrey’s which left a scar on his face for the rest of his life.
A hand-written letter written by Nathaniel in 1818 was posted on eBay and I HAD to have it! How many people have authentic hand-written letters penned by their 5th great-grandfather?! I won the auction. It was my Christmas gift to myself.
I need to bring it to my DAR meeting for show and tell. They will love it!
Nathaniel Freeman letter |
Original wax seals |
Content of letter |
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